Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Convergence Program Conducts Review and Testing of Updated Digital Mapping System (DMS)
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), together with representatives from different government agencies and developmental partners of the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Convergence Program, reviews and tests the updated Digital Mapping System (DMS) on Wednesday (September 20). The DMS is an effort under EPAHP that will strengthen the capacities of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and small-holder farmers by linking them to prospective markets such as the DSWD’s Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP). CBOs and small-holder farmers will register to the system with their available products that agencies and organizations can purchase and procure for their anti-hunger programs and food security initiatives. The mapping system was designed and funded by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, one of the developmental partners of EPAHP.