Design an Implementation Plan for 2024 ( EPAHP RPMO and Regional Convergence Team )
Serves as roadmap on EPAHP implementation in region 8
Program Details

     Strategic  Planning involves below activities, viz: 

     1.   SWOT  Analysis 

      2.   Evaluation of  the unmet  targets of the EPAHP RPMO and RCT to be carried forward for 2024

      3.   Lessons  learned for  not accomplishing targets. 

      4.   Identification of  good practices,  facilitating factors and  resources. 

      Ways Forward for CY 2024

      1.  Quarterly  Regional Convergence Meeting ( external and  internal partners). 

       2. Regular  RPMO  Meetings 

       3.  Mid- Year Performance Assessment and Evaluation Workshop 

       4.  Technological Forum and  Information Caravan 

       5.    CBO Capbuild  activities 

       6.    CBO  Benchmarking 

       7.     Partnership Forum/ Summit 

       8.     CBO validation 

      9.      Annnual Performance Assessment and Evaluation Workshop

Target Beneficiaries
Program Website
