EPAHP FO VI conducts Exploratory Meetings and Search for Qualified CBOs for NP-CP in Aklan

EPAHP FO VI conducts Exploratory Meetings and Search for Qualified CBOs for NP-CP in Aklan

The Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) RPMO FO VI conducts community-based organization (CBO) mapping activities at Makato and Lezo, Aklan on August 28-29, 2024.

The Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) RPMO FO VI conducts community-based organization (CBO) mapping activities at Makato and Lezo, Aklan on August 28-29, 2024.

Eight (8) Community-Based Organizations (CBO) were validated during the mapping activity conducted last August 28 and 29, 2024 at Makato and Lezo, Aklan respectively. The initiative was aimed at identifying and assessing CBOs who are potential suppliers for the procurement of the mentioned local government units (LGUs).

Before the activity, exploratory meetings and consultative dialogues were conducted with Makato Municipal Mayor Ramon Anselmo Martin D. Legaspi III and Lezo Vice Mayor George R. Villarubia to promote the Negotiated Procurement - Community Participation (NP-CP) mode of procurement for their Sustainable Feeding Program (SFP) and other projects. The CBO mapping activity is expected to contribute to the strengthening of partnerships between government agencies and local communities, and to enhance the involvement of CBOs in government projects, fostering economic development and social inclusion.

The EPAHP RPMO Regional Program Coordinator Narlaine P. Gajisan and Operations Monitoring Officer Kara Kirsten P. Montes led the activity together with Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) Partnership Officer in Aklan Mr. Dante Mijares and SLP Implementing PDOs Jasmin Vargas and, Jasmen Ginoy. Representatives of partner agencies also joined the activity Aquaculturist Mr. Rico Magno of Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) and Cooperative Development Specialist Mr. Mario Muñoz of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA).