The Enhance Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty helps SLP Associations start supplying food to DSWD centers
The partnership convergence initiative of EPAHP lead milestones for the Sustainable Livelihood Project beneficiaries!
The 18 SLP associations who are farmers, delivered their produce to the centers: Haven for Women, Regional Studies Center for the Youth, Home for Girls, Bahay Silongan, and the Regional Rehabilitation Center for the Youth.
EPHAP X linked the SLP associations to DSWD centers to provide goods needed to feed the clients.
EPAHP X’s Regional Program Coordinator, Mariecarl Monteroso, together with the SLP Project Development Officers and Partnership Officers, tapped the associations for the food requirements of the clients inside the centers.
The five centers provide temporary shelter for clients who are abandoned, neglected, foundlings, abused, or children in conflict with the law.
These centers, which provide daily meals for the clients, have difficulty purchasing the raw materials they need before.
Now, the centers would be able to save time, fuel, and effort in going to the market and, at the same time, would be able to help the SLPA beneficiaries ensure the sustainability of their livelihood projects.